Should giving stuff away be part of your content strategy? What makes a good lead magnet.
Why I offer free resources. And should you? On my Free Resources page you’ll find videos on communication, content strategy and...

Content Must Engage In 8.25 Seconds or Less: Strategies to Make Every Second Count
STAT TIME. Adults spend on average 6.5 hours on the internet every day. And they have an attention span of 8.25 seconds. It's a huge...

Give the people what they want.
Give the people what they want? If only it were that easy. Most of my working life is spent working out what it is that prospective...

CV19 is no time for the hard sell. I have a problem with that sentence.
I’ve seen so much debate across LinkedIn. These are tough times, this is not the time for the hard sell. What was appropriate before is...

SEO. It's not rocket science.
If I had a penny for every time someone asked me if I write SEO friendly copy, I’d have spent even more money on chocolate. SEO is the...

How to make myself unpopular (aka Can you outsource your social media?)
I’m going to make myself unpopular by not giving you the answer you’re looking for. But don’t worry, I’ll make up for it all with a...

When is it time to hire a copywriter?
In anticipation of The Great British Business Show at Excel next week, this one’s for the small business owners out there. If you run...

It's the taking part that counts
I’m currently preparing for the final round of the Kingston Business Exellence Awards. I’m a finalist in the Best SME category. I won’t...